In grand X-strike Studios turned Fat Gatsby tradition, the boys gather around the calendar to take a look at all the big games coming out this holiday season. What looks good? What looks bad? What should you spend your hard-earned dollars on? Join us and find out!

So…this podcast is a bit dated…more than usual. We recorded this back in July but it didn’t make it up as some other more timely topics came up. Anyway, Juese joins Tim and Dave to talk about the lengthy and awesome history of classic game compilations.

Mahoney has once again joined forces with the Fat Gatsby crew, this time to take a trip to Rochester’s own Strong Museum of Play. After an afternoon at the museum we all plopped down around the podcasting campfire to talk about everything we saw and played while we were there.

Tim and Juese are back at the movies, this time to see Marvel’s Ant Man! How does the latest offering stack up to the ever-growing Marvel movie catalog? Will we ever stop wishing we lived in a world where Edgar Wright got to direct this movie? Find out true believers!

Back in our X-strike podcast days we did up a big podcast declaring our top 10 games of all time. In this episode of FG TripleRaidio, we revisit our lists 5 years later and see how our feelings have changed. You can check out the full version of our original picks here: XSSP-100 – The Final