It’s our E3 2020 spectacular! Well, sort of. It’s been a long few months in every respect but also in that slow trickle of gaming news. Now that it’s all out in the open, Tim and Dave sit down to talk about what they think of Sony and Microsoft’s new hardware.

For the first time in over four years, the full Fat Gatsby crew is back on the podcast. We catch up on what everyone has been up to and how we’re holding it down during the COVID-19 outbreak. Turns out it involved A LOT of Star Trek.

We may have been a bit derelict of duty in our podcasting for much of 2019, but that doesn’t mean we’re going to pass up the opportunity to join forces and dole out some awards to close out the year. Tim and Dave are joined once again by pappy and newcomer Pernell Vaughan, the host

A podcast appears! Tim and Dave catch up on what’s been happening the past few months including Hamilton, playing games with small children and a casual guide to what Marvel movies might be skippable before seeing Endgame.