Vice: Project Doom
At the behest of good friend Robert V Aldrich, Dave and Tim checked out a forgotten NES classic – Vice: Project Doom!
At the behest of good friend Robert V Aldrich, Dave and Tim checked out a forgotten NES classic – Vice: Project Doom!
Hot on the heels of the amazing 3D Outrun for the 3DS eShop, Tim and Dave get together to talk about what makes it such a special remake and delve into the history of one of the greatest arcade driving games ever made.
In our second episode on game collecting we turn the focus inward. Tim and Dave sit down to talk about the recently completely full inventory of Tim’s collection. What’s been played, what hasn’t and how exactly he ended up with so much stuff.
Before we unleash our usual Blank of the Year festivities on TripleRaidio, we decide to hand out some awards to some of the old games we’ve played this year in our first ever BACKLOG OF THE YEAR awards.
While everyone else starts looking back at 2014, Tim and Dave are looking WAY back at the year that was in 1994. Turns out it was a pretty landmark year for video games.
It’s quite a wonderful podcast. Well it’s okay, I guess. You can see how we almost tried. It appears your Katamari is 10 years old. I don’t know why you’d even want to talk about it anyway being so small. Ah well. ROOOOOYYYYYYAL RAAAAAINBOOOOOOWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
In this month’s Games of Future Past adventure, Tim and Dave sound off on their favorite racing games ever and embark on their journey to find the BEST VIDEO GAME SONG EVER.
In our inaugural retro gaming podcast, Tim and Dave take a look back at the best games that the fine year of 1993 had to offer. Also, we’re having some issues getting the player to show up correctly on this page. In the meantime, enjoy this DIRECT LINK.